When Genevieve Laurent started working as a full-time pharmacist, she noticed a void in the fashion industry. She couldn’t find a handbag that was best suited for practicality, affordability, and style. From her experience, quality came at a high price, and she set out to change that. Laurent Altieri came out of a passion for durable fashion and beautiful designs, and the desire to help other working women find high-quality, functional, and stylish bags in the pursuit of their dreams. Genevieve has spent a lot of time in Florence, Italy, where she had the chance to meet local craftsmen while they were making leather handbags. Genevieve launched her handbag business and started importing Italian leather goods. With the help of her dear friend and his knowledge of the luxury market, eye for interior design, and taste for high-end fashion perfectly assisted Genevieve’s analytic, strategic, and business-driven nature. From shoulder to smaller crossbody bags to clutches, Laurent Altieri designs’ accessories that transition effortlessly from day to night, season to season, uptown to downtown. The collections are a blend of sophistication, fun, and function for the chic city woman.
Our beliefs and purpose is to empower women and children to believe in themselves and that all things are possible. And so with Laurent & Altieri, the Journey to become the best version of oneself continues…. We may be just a handbag company but our mission is to be authentic, unique and empowering!
With love and kindness,
Genevieve Laurent, Founder of Laurent & Altieri